Sri Ramakrishna Life and Ramakrishna Teachings on Path of Devotion
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa was an Enlightened Master of the nineteenth century, who upheld the Path of Devotion for Kaliyuga. Sri Ramakrishna was conceived in India to an exceptionally basic and religious family. From his youth days Sri Ramakrishna was exceptionally religious and unadulterated of heart.
He had his first experience of Satori when He saw a run of swans flying noticeable all around. He had numerous such encounters throughout his life and ordinarily he used to fall oblivious while loving the Mother Kali. At long last, He accomplished Truth with the assistance of Advaita Master Totapuri.
One thing which is exceptionally fascinating in His life is to look for God through a considerable lot of the accessible Paths. He attempted numerous ways all alone and came to a similar Truth. At long last, He inferred that every Path prompts God. This is the main case in the historical backdrop of human cognizance where a Seeker as of now having achieved truth, has attempted over and over to achieve Truth through different ways like Devotion, Tantra, Advaita, Sufism and a couple of something beyond.
Fundamentally, He was a Devotee of Mother Kali and He recommended the Path of Devotion or Bhakti for the present occasions. As per Sri Ramakrishna in the event that a Seeker calls the name of God with earnestness, God needs to answer that call. Be that as it may, while taking the name of God one ought to be exceptionally blameless and unadulterated from heart.
His lessons can be particularly appropriate for heart situated individuals. His talks are gathered in the book “Accounts of Sri Ramakrishna” by one of his Disciple Mahendranath. Many Interesting occurrences of His life and lessons are perfectly referenced in this book.